Sunday, October 19, 2014

Lifting The Ban On LTTE Could Boomerang On EU: BBS

Filed under: Colombo Telegraph,News,STORIES | 
The Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) has warned the European Union that the decision made by the General Court of the EU (CVRIA) to lift the proscription on the LTTE could boomerang on them.
BBS Gnanasara
BBS Gnanasara
Issuing a statement on the CVRIA decision to lift the ban, the organisation has pointed out that a strong possibility of the LTTE revivalists collaborating with Muslim extremist groups exists as evidenced by their past interactions with terrorist groups worldwide and has stated that the verdict given by the CVRIA has not only placed Sri Lanka in a position of grave danger but the whole of South Asia as well as Europe.
They have therefore called upon Indian, American and European intelligence services to immediately launch an investigation into the verdict and work towards revoking the ban.
Expressing their concern and objection over the CVRIA ruling, the BBS has noted it has placed the entire world on the brink of instability.
“There is a vicious conspiracy operating behind this decision – this ruling might be the result of substantial parties that might have bribed their way into getting this verdict through offering substantial funds,” the organisation has pointed out.
Furthermore they have pointed out that the decision should not have been to lift the ban but to probe into the reasons that led to imposing the ban in 2006 and on why a formal investigation was not carried out prior to implementing the decision.
They have also criticized the External Affairs Ministry, diplomats and organisations that represent the Sinhalese communities living in Europe, for remaining ineffective and for not acting with wisdom.
Furthermore, the BBS has noted that this decision has further proven the warnings they made about the rise of terrorism during the summit of Buddhist monks held a few weeks ago.
Meanwhile the Terrorism Research & Analysis Consortium (TRAC), early this year has classified Sri Lanka’s Bodu Bala Sena as a ‘terrorist organization’.
When Colombo Telegraph asked why the TRAC profiled the BBS as a terrorist organization, the TRAC said; “their actions resemble acts of terror against soft targets as well as infrastructure that symbolises Muslim and Christian religions. Their acts indicate a willingness to engage in violent acts as to further their cause.”
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