Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Crimes against women: every 90 minutes a woman is raped in Sri Lanka

Violence against women
Every 90 minutes a woman is raped in Sri Lanka and other crimes against women are also on therise, according to the group Women for Rights.  At a press conference earlier this week, Women forRights announced that Sri Lanka is the 5th worst country in the world for domestic violence, and thatcrimes against women and children are increasing.  Shockingly, 95% of women using public transport in the country have experienced sexual harassment, and this is reflective of an environment that “has no respect for women” according to the group.
Saroja Savithri Paulraj, co-president of Women for Rightssaid that the rise was a result of the goverrnment protecting criminals and allowing local politicians to carry out such crimes with impunity.  She said that “Domestic violence too has increased from 60 per cent in 2011 to 80 per cent in 2013″ and that, “a social environment has been created where the dignity of women is compromised”. The Asian Human Rights Commission says that such figures are no surprise, as the “criminal justiceapparatus in the country has been allowed to collapse.”  They point out that the level of crimes is far higher than reported in the media, or to the police, call for an end to suspended sentences of those convicted of rape and for the government to take action.
Violence against women became a huge political and social issue in India recently after the gang rape of a girl on a bus, but despite a protest on Valentine’s Day this year by womens groups in Sri Lanka, the issue does not seem to have much visibility here.  The latest intervention by Women for Rights shows how dangerous this silence is, and you hope that it does not take a similar shocking event in this country to spark political, and public action.
A public awareness campaign will be launched today under the heading “Prevent crime, let’s live in peace”, with leaflets due to be distributed nationwide.

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